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FiiO FD5 Full Review


The FiiO FD5 is the latest flagship in-ear monitor from the acclaimed Chinese audio brand FiiO. Sporting a single 12mm beryllium-coated diamond-like carbon dynamic driver, the FD5 promises superior sound in a stylish and comfortable design. In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at the design, comfort, sound quality, and overall performance of these intriguing IEMs.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. I have not received any form of compensation or incentive to endorse or promote any specific product mentioned in this review.


Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via
  • Drivers: 1 x 10mm Ultra Linear Technology (ULT) dynamic driver with DLC Diaphragm
  • Impedance (Ohm): 32 Ω
  • Sensitivity (dB): 123dB/Nrms
  • Frequency Response (Hz): 10 Hz – 45 KHz
  • Connector: 2 pins, 0.78 mm

Bottom Line

The FiiO FD5 offers tremendous audio performance and value in a stylish, customizable package. Their expansive stage, dynamics, and resolution outclass much of the competition.

In summary, the FiiO FD5 provides stellar sound and polish for the money. Their flexible tuning, premium build, and accessories make them easy to recommend. For an immersive, engaging IEM under $500, the FD5 should be on any shortlist.

Overall Rating

0/5.0FiiO FD5


  • Spacious, holographic soundstage
  • tight, authoritative bass
  • Clear and detailed treble
  • Excellent instrument separation
  • quick, dynamic sound
  • high-build quality
  • comfortable fit for most
  • Accessories for sound customization


  • Weight may be tiring for some.
  • Large housings don't suit smaller ears.
  • not as forward midrange as some competitors
  • Treble may be sharp for treble-sensitive

Suitable Music Genres


  • pop, rock, metal, EDM, hip-hop, orchestral, jazz, and acoustic

Not Suitable:

  • Those wanting a very neutral or mid-focused sound
  • If you need more mid-focus, try boosting 1-2 dB around 2 kHz. Can reduce the 4-6 kHz range slightly if the treble sounds too sharp. Add 3–4 dB below 80 Hz for more sub-bass rumble.

1. Packaging

Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via
  • FiiO FD5
  • 1 cable with 2.5, 3.5, and 4.4 mm interchangeable plugs
  • 5 sets of ear tips
  • Case
  • 1 cleaning brush
  • clip tool to detach the IEMs from the MMCX cable
  • 2 sets of nozzles
  • Paperworks

2. Design And Build Quality

The FD5 features a striking design, with stainless steel housings polished to a mirror finish. The smooth metal and chrome aesthetic give them an elegant, jewelry-like appearance. The construction feels very solid and substantial in the hand, with some nice weight to them despite their compact size.

FiiO has implemented some clever acoustic innovations in the FD5's design as well. This includes a front acoustic prism to control sound wave diffusion and a rear volcanic field system to reduce standing waves and distortion. The semi-open back alleviates ear pressure for improved comfort.

Overall, the build quality is excellent, with metal housings, detachable cables, and sturdy accessories that match the premium price tag.

3. Comfort

Despite their metal construction adding some weight, the FD5 are surprisingly comfortable once inserted and properly sealed. The over-ear cable design helps secure them while reducing microphonics. The angled nozzles and vented back plates prevent any ear pressure buildup.

Isolation is about average for an in-ear monitor, with some minor sound leakage but good noise blocking overall. Those with smaller ears may struggle to get a proper fit and seal due to the larger housings. But for most, the FD5 should provide a secure and comfortable listening experience.

4. Sound Quality Of The FiiO FD5

Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via

I. Tonality

The FD5 tuning targets the Harman curve, resulting in a mildly V-shaped signature. The lows and highs are slightly elevated over the midrange, adding some extra punch and sparkle. However, the sound retains good balance across the spectrum.

The overall tonality is natural and enjoyable, with no harsh peaks or recesses. Vocals have a nice presence and intimacy. Instruments sound full-bodied and lifelike. Whether you prefer a neutral or colored sound, the FD5 offers flexibility to tweak the sound with the included accessories.

II. Frequency Response Graph Of The FiiO FD5

Image of frequency response graph of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors

III. Bass Response

The bass is powerful and authoritative, with excellent extension and slam. Sub-bass rumble is visceral, and mid-bass impact delivers a pleasing thump. Thanks to the dynamic driver and FiiO's acoustic innovations, the low-end is tight and articulate. Basslines sound dynamic yet controlled. Drums have realistic decay and texture. There is no muddiness or bloat hampering the rest of the mix.

IV. Midrange Performance

The midrange takes a slightly laidback position but retains clarity and detail. Vocals have a natural timbre, with clear intimacy and nuance. Male and female voices both shine through with crispness and realism. Acoustic instruments have an appropriate body and resonance. The mids are smooth and refined overall, if not as forward and vibrant as some competitors.

V. Treble Response

Treble is well-extended and airy, adding sparkle and energy to the FD5's sound. There is plenty of detail in the higher frequencies while avoiding harshness or sibilance. Cymbals shimmer brightly, and high strings are crisp and defined. The treble strikes an ideal balance of presence and non-fatiguing quality.

5. Technicalities Of The FiiO FD5

Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via

I. Soundstage And Imaging

One of the FD5's most impressive qualities is its expansive soundstage. Music emanates well outside the listener's head, with excellent width and depth. Imaging is holographic, with precise directionality and placement of instruments. The stage feels natural and realistic, with seamless transitions between frequency ranges.

II. Instrument Separation And Detail Retrieval

Being a single dynamic driver, the FiiO FD5 avoids any crossover or coherency issues in its sound reproduction. The result is outstanding instrument separation and definition across the spectrum. Detail retrieval is excellent, revealing nuances and subtle textures that create an immersive listening experience.

III. Dynamics And Speed

Thanks to FiiO's advanced driver technologies, the FiiO FD5 boasts superb dynamics and speed. Transients are lightning-quick, preserving the pace and rhythm of any genre with accuracy. The dynamic range impresses as well, effortlessly scaling from intimate lows to explosive highs.

IV. Resolution

The resolution and clarity are stellar for a dynamic driver IEM at this price. The FD5 retrieves micro-details present in recordings with precision. Imaging and separation allow listeners to pinpoint these fine nuances in the stereo field. Resolution remains strong even during complex passages.

In summary, the FiiO FD5 delivers exceptional technical performance and engaging sound across a wide range of genres. Their flexible tuning and accessories allow customization for different preferences as well. For analytical listening or just enjoyment, the FD5 hits the mark.

6. Gaming Performance

For gaming, the FiiO FD5 provides a wonderfully immersive experience. The expansive soundstage gives an excellent sense of space and environment. Imaging allows for pinpointing directional cues and footsteps with ease. Explosions and gunshots have serious visceral impact. The quick transient response keeps action feeling snappy and immediate. For competitive and immersive gaming, the FD5 is an excellent choice.

7. Comparisons

FiiO FD5 VS Moondrop Blessing 2

Compared to the Moondrop Blessing 2, the FD5 has more sub-bass rumble and mid-bass impact. The Blessing 2 is more neutral, with leaner lows. The FD5 has a warmer, fuller midrange, while the B2 is more analytical. Treble extension is similar, but the B2 has an extra lower-treble presence. The soundstage feels more spherical on the FD5, while the B2 has more frontal width.

FiiO FD5 VS Sony MDR-EX1000

Against the Sony MDR-EX1000, the FD5 has a darker, warmer tonality with more bass impact. The EX1000 is brighter with a more upper-midrange presence. Treble is smoother and more forgiving on the FD5. The soundstage feels more spacious on the Sony but less coherent.

8. FAQs

Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FD5 in-ear monitors (Image via

Q. Who Should Buy The FiiO FD5?

  • The FD5 is a great choice for those who enjoy deep, powerful bass, an immersive soundstage, and crisp detailing.
  • Gamers and music listeners wanting stellar audio performance in a flexible design will appreciate the FD5.

Q. Who Shouldn't Buy The FiiO FD5?

  • Those wanting a more mid-forward or neutral sound may prefer something like the Moondrop Blessing 2.
  • If you have smaller ears and struggle with the fit, the large FD5 housings may pose comfort issues.
  • Avoid if highly treble-sensitive.

Q. Is FiiO FD5 suitable for treble sensitive listeners?

The FD5 treble is quite non-fatiguing, but boosting 4-6 kHz could cause issues for highly treble-sensitive listeners. Using foam tips can help tame sharpness. The included narrow nozzle also reduces treble presence.

Q. What tips provide the most balanced sound?

The included "balanced" white silicone tips offer a nice compromise between bass, mids, and treble.

Q. How is the noise isolation?

With proper fit and seal, isolation is quite good, blocking ambient noise reasonably well. The vents do allow some sound leakage, however.

Q. How durable is the cable?

The high-quality silver-plated copper cable feels sturdy and resistant to twisting or wear over time. Detachable cables make replacing them easy as well.

Q. Is an amp necessary?

With a sensitivity of 109 dB, the FD5 can reach loud volumes from any decent smartphone or DAP. An amp isn't required but can help improve dynamics and control.

9. Conclusion

The FiiO FD5 exemplifies just how good a single-dynamic driver IEM can be. Their sound quality punches well above their price bracket. Bass and treble extensions are superb, and the midrange is transparent and refined. Soundstage and imaging are spectacular. Comfort, accessories, and premium build match the stellar audio performance. For those seeking top-tier sound with flexible and fun tuning, the FD5 absolutely delivers.


Read More Reviews On FiiO FD5: Headphonesty

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