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FiiO FH5s Full Review


The FiiO FH5s are the latest semi-open-back universal in-ear monitors from Chinese audio giant FiiO. As the successor to the immensely popular FH5 model, the FH5s have some big shoes to fill. But with an all-new driver configuration featuring dual dynamic drivers and Knowles balanced armatures, along with a striking design and removable cable system, the FH5s are ready to make their mark.

FiiO FH5s

Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via


  • Impedance: 40ohm
  • Sound pressure level: 106dB/1Khz
  • Frequency range: 10-40Khz
  • Max Power: 100 mW
  • Drivers Config: 12mm/6mmBeryllium-Plated Diaphragm; Knowles TWFK-30017 Balanced Armatures
  • Connector: MMCX
  • Cable: High-Purity Monocrystalline Silver-Plated Copper Cable

Individual ratings


Punchy and hard-hitting bass with good extension and speed. Some mild mid-bass emphasis but avoids muddiness.


Smooth, natural, and transparent midrange, although there is a mild lack of upper midrange presence. Overall, the timbre and clarity are very good.


Airy, sparkly, and energetic treble with good extension and detail. Slight emphasis, but not excessive. Good speed and separation.

Soundstage And Imaging

Very spacious soundstage, especially in width. Great immersion and accurate imaging allow for good layering.

Detail Retrieval

Good micro-detail retrieval is aided by the semi-open design and balanced armature treble. Not the peak level, but very capable for the price.


Excellent dynamics across the range thanks to the dual dynamic drivers. Great transient speed as well, with no smearing.


Good resolution that's above average in its class but not exemplary compared to more expensive hybrids and multi-BA designs. Still retrieves finer nuances well.

Sound Quality
Build Quality

Striking metal construction in a triple-shell design. Great fit and finish, with removable cables and modular plugs adding versatility.


Despite the angular aesthetic, it is surprisingly comfortable and lightweight. Good long-term wear.

Gaming Performance

A spacious soundstage with accurate imaging lends itself nicely to immersive and competitive gaming.

Value For Money

A mild lack of technical refinement but highly engaging musical sound with nice modular extras make the FH5s excellent value.

Other Factors

Overall Rating


Bottom Line

The FiiO FH5s provide an expansive, lively, and engaging listen. Their semi-open design brings great soundstage qualities, supplemented by dynamic and capable bass. Overall, they deliver great musicality and a fun factor that belies their reasonable price.


  • Striking and high-quality build with modular cable
  • very comfortable long-term wear
  • Expansive soundstage with accurate imaging
  • engaging and mildly v-shaped tonality
  • powerful sub-bass extension with mid-bass punch
  • clean and natural midrange with good transparency
  • energetic treble with air and sparkle
  • great dynamics and speed
  • Good detail retrieval and imaging


  • not the most advanced technical performance.
  • mild lack of upper-midrange presence
  • Stage depth is not on par with width.
  • Isolation is only moderate.

User Ratings

Very good0%

Music Genres


  • The FH5's versatile sound signature suits most music genres well. In particular, they excel with:
  • Electronic: hard-hitting bass and sparkly treble
  • Jazz: spacious stage and natural midrange
  • Pop's lively and engaging sound works great.
  • Rock: excellent dynamics and fast bass
  • Orchestral: a large stage conveys scale well.

Not Suitable

  • Audiobooks: moderate isolation
  • Classical: lack of upper midrange density

Equalization Tips

  • Bass: Reduce 2-3 dB under 200 Hz to tame bloat if needed.
  • Mids: Boost 1-2 dB at 2–5 kHz to add body if desired.
  • Treble: Reduce 2-3 dB past 7 kHz if fatigue occurs.

1. Packaging

Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via
  • FiiO FH5s
  • Interchangeable terminals
  • Cable
  • Leather Carrying Case
  • Eartips x13 Pairs
  • Clean Brush
  • MMCX Assist Tool

2. Design And Build Quality

The FH5s feature a bold and distinctive design that is a noticeable departure from previous FiiO models. The angular "dragon scale" faceplates are CNC machined from aluminum-magnesium alloy for a high-quality metal build. The IEM shells feel very solid and durable in hand.

FiiO utilizes a "tri-shell" sandwich construction to minimize resonances, with the rear aluminum cavity neatly integrating the driving components. The overall fit and finish are excellent, with no visible defects.

The stock detachable cable provided uses FiiO's proprietary connectors, which lock securely to the IEMs. It's a silver-plated copper Litz braid terminated with interchangeable 2.5mm, 3.5mm, and 4.4mm plugs. The modular plug system is well implemented for flexibility.

3. Comfort

Despite their chunky aesthetic, the FH5s are surprisingly lightweight, at just 8.8g per side. The ergonomic shape nestles comfortably in my ears. The angled nozzles provide a tight seal without irritation over extended listening periods. 

As a semi-open design, isolation is just moderate, but pressure buildup is negligible. With foam tips, isolation does improve noticeably. Those seeking maximum isolation may want a fully closed design, however.

Overall, the FH5s are very comfortable IEMs suitable for long-term wear. Their fit and stability are also good enough for active use.

4. Sound Quality Of The FiiO FH5s

Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via

I. Tonality

The FH5s have a mildly v-shaped tuning that sounds quite balanced overall. There is a slight emphasis on the bass and treble regions, but the midrange maintains a good presence.

Notes are rendered with nice weight and body. The tonality leans slightly towards brightness rather than warmth but is not overly analytical. It creates an engaging and lively sound profile that works well for most genres.

II. Frequency Response Graph Of The FiiO FH5s

Image of frequency response graph of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors

III. Bass Response

A 12mm beryllium-coated dynamic driver handles the low frequencies and delivers impactful yet refined bass. There is mild elevation focused on the sub-bass and mid-bass for added body and punch. However, the bloat is minimal, and the bass avoids muddiness.

Bass quality is excellent, with outstanding extension down to sub-20 Hz. Texturing is apparent, with nuanced details present on complex basslines. Speed and tightness are also great, keeping up with faster rhythms easily. The low-end has great technical abilities to match its fun factor.

IV. Midrange Performance

Surprisingly, a second 6mm beryllium dynamic driver reproduces the midrange frequencies rather than balanced armatures. The result is a smooth and natural midrange with a dynamic driver body.

Lower mids have adequate presence. Vocals never sound thin or hollow. There is a mild dip in the upper mids, reducing density slightly. But clarity and transparency benefit, allowing the FH5s to retrieve micro-details well.

Notes have a realistic weight and bamboo-like texture. Vocals are rendered cleanly with a lifelike timbre. The midrange provides a high level of quality despite its relaxed tuning.

V. Treble Response

A pair of Knowles balanced armatures stationed at the nozzle produce the treble notes. There is mild emphasis here, lending additional airiness and sparkle to the highs.

Treble extension reaches comfortably past 10 kHz. Decay is nice and natural, avoiding harshness or sibilance. The lower treble is the most forward, while the middle treble is linear, and the upper treble is smoothly rolled off.

Details and micro-textures emerge well in the treble range. Notes have a fast transient that aids instrumentation separation. Average note thickness helps timbre quality. Overall, the treble tuning succeeds in its intended airy and energetic role.

5. Technicalities Of The FiiO FH5s

Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via

I. Soundstage And Imaging

With their semi-open design, the FH5s possess very spatial soundstages. Width in particular stretches far outside the head, conveying a surround-sound experience. Depth is above average, with height slightly lower but still good.

Imaging is accurate and focused, with the ability to convey layered positioning cues. Instrument placements are distinct within the stage boundaries. The crisp treble aids in the separation and localization of sounds.

The FH5s provide an immersive listening experience through their strong projection of sonic space. Their stage dimensionality and imaging abilities excel at this price range.

II. Instrument Separation And Detail Retrieval

The combination of vented shells and configurable drivers grants the FH5s great technical abilities as well. Bass bleed is minimal, allowing midrange transparency. The energetic treble also aids in definition across the spectrum.

Fine details are resolved with ease. Subtle nuances and micro-textures emerge from dense instrumentation. The FH5s retrieve micro-details and background information readily from recordings. This grants them a resolving yet non-fatiguing listen.

III. Dynamics And Speed

The FH5s deliver their full dynamic range with enthusiasm, thanks to the dual dynamic drivers. From subtle fluctuations to explosive transient spikes, the FH5s render dynamics in an engaging fashion.

Bass and treble speeds are also quick, with great agility. Rapid drum patterns and guitar strumming are handled without smearing. The hybrid driver configuration enables accurate and vivid dynamics throughout.

IV. Resolution

In terms of pure resolution, the FH5s perform well but are not exemplary. The semi-open design grants them a leg up over closed competitors, allowing them to retrieve micro-details cleanly. But limitations become apparent next to top-tier planar and multi-BA designs, which cost multiples more.

Within their class and price range, though, the FH5s have good resolution power. Their detail retrieval remains a strength that enhances engaging listening.

6. Gaming Performance

The FH5s provide a very suitable experience for gaming usage as well. Their large soundstage grants a heightened sense of immersion and space. Directional cues are well-conveyed thanks to precise imaging. Quieter details, like footsteps, emerge clearly from the background.

Explosions and action sequences benefit from the dynamic driver bass slam. The FH5s are entertaining and competitive for gaming, aided especially by their great soundstage properties. A microphone attachment transforms them into capable gaming headsets.

7. Comparisons

FiiO FH5s VS FiiO FD5

  • FH5s have more elevated bass and treble tuning; FD5s are more balanced.
  • FH5s have cleaner but less textured bass; FD5s have more organic bass.
  • FH5s have a more transparent but less full-bodied midrange.
  • FH5s have a more extended and sparkly treble; FD5s have a smoother treble.
  • FH5s retrieve more micro-details, and FD5s listen more coherently.

FiiO FH5s VS 7Hz Timeless

  • FH5s have punchier bass, while Timeless has better sub-bass extension.
  • FH5 mids sound more natural, while Timeless has better clarity.
  • FH5s treble more energetically, and Timeless trebles more linearly.
  • FH5s larger soundstage width, Timeless has better depth
  • FH5s have better dynamics, timelessness, and higher resolution.

8. FAQs

Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via
Image of FiiO FH5s in-ear monitors (Image via

Q. Who should buy the FiiO FH5s?

  • The engaging sound, ergonomic design, and accessories make the FH5s well-suited for:
  • audiophiles wanting semi-open spatial qualities
  • Casual listeners who enjoy a bassy, lively sound
  • Those who prefer switchable tuning options
  • Android users benefit from modular cables.
  • Gamers wanting large, immersive audio

Q. Who should avoid the FiiO FH5s?

  • Not for Buyers Seeking:
  • Maximum isolation
  • warm, smooth sound
  • upper midrange emphasis
  • Peak technical performance

Q. Is FiiO FH5s suitable for treble sensitive listeners?

The FH5s have a moderately forward treble, which makes them less suitable for highly treble-sensitive listeners. The elevation is not excessive, but those highly susceptible to sibilance may still find it fatiguing. Using foam tips and a warmer source helps slightly. Overall, other options with a smoother treble may be preferable for treble-sensitive users.

Q: How is the cable quality?

The included cable is nicely made with quality connectors, though not the most premium. It offers handy interchangeable plugs.

Q: Do the sound-tuning switches make a big difference?

The switches offer subtle 2–3 dB adjustments. They are useful for fine tuning but don't radically change the sound.

Q: Is an amp necessary to drive the FH5s?

A: With moderate impedance and high sensitivity, the FH5s don't require amping. However, they do benefit from extra current and scale up well.

Q: Are the FH5s good for phone calls?

A: Their semi-open design results in mediocre isolation and leakage. While usable for calls in quiet environments, they are not ideal for noisy locales.

Q: How is the build quality compared to previous FiiOs?

A: The metal construction provides a clear step up over previous plastic FiiO models. It conveys a much more premium feel.

9. Conclusion

With the FH5s, FiiO has achieved an impressively versatile and capable hybrid monitor. Their semi-open design brings great spatial qualities not always expected at this price. A natural midrange and lively treble further augment musical enjoyment.

There are admittedly some mild dips in the upper midrange and limitations in outright resolution. But for their reasonable asking price, the FH5s deliver engaging sound with few flaws. FiiO's modular, switchable design is simply the icing on the cake. The FH5s ultimately succeed as musical and entertaining hybrid IEMs.

Read More Reviews On FiiO FH5s: Headphonesty

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